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Thanks to all who have committed themselves to the Rinus-Pini Fund and to the numerous donors. Thanks to the efforts of opi, grandma, Hans, Floris, Bruno, and Anett, Robin, the scouts of Saint Paul-Leuven, Yasmine and numerous friends who participated in the corrida of Leuven, sponsored by Metaleuven (Kurt and Niels), € 52,242.5 collected.
The Rinus-Pini Fund is managed by the King Baudouin Foundation. Its operation relies entirely on private resources.
That is why every gift is welcome. All resources are used to achieve the main objectives of the Rinus-Pini Fund.
Donations to the Rinus-Pini Fund can be transferred to the account of the King Baudouin Foundation
IBAN: BE10 0000 0000 0404 (BIC BPOTBEB1) with the free communication : Rinus-Pinifonds or the structured code : +++623/3716/90066 +++
You can also transfer money online using the following link
And for Germany
DE :
Those wishing to support a specific cause can do so by using the following structured codes
PICU (Intensive Care for Children): +++ 623/3721/30004 +++
Cheetah: +++ 623/3721/40007 +++
Donations from 40 euros that are transferred to the King Baudouin Foundation give rise to a tax reduction of 45% on the amount actually deposited. This is stated on the tax certificate that the Foundation issues.
The tax certificate for all donations you have made to the King Baudouin Foundation will be sent to you the following year, at the end of February. Because our donors are increasingly asking for it and out of concern for the environment, the King Baudouin Foundation will from now on only send a receipt for donations from 1,000 euros.
International gifts
Donors established in France, the Netherlands, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg or Denmark who wish to support an initiative or a Fund managed by the King Baudouin Foundation can make donations directly to the Foundation at the number mentioned above, stating Rinus-Pinifonds or with one of the above. mentioned structured communications. They are then entitled to all the tax benefits of the country where they live. The King Baudouin Foundation delivers the tax certificates of the countries concerned.
In France, the King Baudouin Foundation obtained the various tax authorizations as provided for in 4bis of Articles 200, 238bis and Articles 978 and 750A of the Code général des impôts.
In the Netherlands, the King Baudouin Foundation has been recognized as an Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI) since January 1, 2008. Our RSIN is 8237.85.385.
In the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (circular letter of the Director of Taxation LIR-n° 112/2) and in Denmark (the Danish Taks Assesment Act – Ligningslovens §8A od 12, stk. 3), the King Baudouin Foundation is authorized to issue tax certificates to donors living in these two countries
Transnational Giving Europe
With the Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) network, coordinated by the King Baudouin Foundation, you can make a cross-border donation for projects in 20 European countries and benefit from a tax reduction for donations from 40 euros. Donations made by European donors are tax deductible, in accordance with the laws of the countries concerned.
King Baudouin Foundation United States (KBFUS)
Donors from the United States can very easily support us through KBFUS. This American philanthropic organization, a member of our 'family', gives American donors the opportunity to easily transfer donations for projects in Europe and Africa, and to enjoy a tax reduction in the United States.
King Baudouin Foundation Canada (KBF CANADA)
Donors in Canada can support us very easily through KBF CANADA. Also a member of our 'family', this Canadian philanthropic organization gives Canadian donors the opportunity to support projects in Europe, Africa, America and Asia. KBF Canada is authorized to issue tax certificates to Canadian donors.